Monday, February 22, 2010

February 19-22

On Friday, I got home and wanted to take Cinn for her daily adventure. Tracie really wanted to get the mail and go to Walmart though, so we acquiesced and took her with us. Cinn and I walked around Walmart's parking lot while Trace went inside. Then we took her with us out to the lake for a picnic; well, a Mcdonald's picnic. She loved her trip and was pretty happy to hang out with us.

After going to the lake, I took her to Shannon's for the weekend. She seemed quite happy. She bounded around with Petal after we arrived, and she was quite happy to be left with Shannon.

We picked her up on Sunday night after our trip on the Greyhound. She went ballistic when she realized that we were there to take her home. The joy is the best thing that a dog brings to a relationship.

Monday was a pretty standard day with lots of wrestling, hugging, and a car ride up to the woods behind the house for a leisurely walk. Cinn enjoyed the walk. Her smell o vision was nearly overwhelmed by the cornucopia of smells behind the house.

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