Tuesday, September 7, 2010

September7, 2010

Cinn had a busy couple of weeks.  She very much enjoyed her trip to Prince George.  For the first time, she got to stay inside her grandparent's house.  Well, for the first time since she was six weeks old, in any case. 

Her exciting week began when she noticed that we were packing, and her dog stuff was in the pile of things to go.  She paced around all night before we left, then followed me all morning while I got ready-- just to make sure that I did not forget to take her.  When we left, she bolted for the car, jumped into the back, and would not even come out to pee before we left.   After that, the trip north was a good one, with us stopping many times to let her out to go to the washroom, eat, drink, and generally feel important. 

When we arrived in Prince George, she was excited to look around the basement suite.  She had a tough time following both of us while we unpacked, but she managed to be somewhere between us-- just to make sure that she was included in anything that we did.  She then nestled up on her new doggie bed to have a nap with us, while we waited for my parents to return home. 

The week flew by.  Some of her highlights included the trip, cruising around with us in the car, stopping at Starbucks while Tracie went grocery shopping, and following me all around my parent's house the entire time-- just so that she didn't miss anything.  The trip back was great for Cinn.  She particularly liked stopping at Mcdonalds and getting a treat from Tracie while we ate in the car.

After returning, she slept for a good portion of the couple days that we had alone.  Then she was all recharged and ready for when Tracie's mom, dad, nephew, and grandma visited.  She was a very good hostess, looking politely for treats and pets, always present to and unobtrusive.  She very much enjoyed herself-- especially when Tracie's grandma showered her with attention. 

The dog park during these two weeks has been hit and miss, particularly in Prince George because the drive to Merritt would make such a trip untenable for a few minutes of running and sniffing.  Today, I was going to miss because I got home from school at about four o'clock.  I thought that I would feed her and get something to eat myself, before relaxing for the night.  After feeding her though, I barely got upstairs when she nearly bowled me over like a year old pup en route to her leash and the front door. 

I relented, taking her on a drive to see Colleen at the distance ed school, who actually turned out to be Steve Mcniven, which is an entirely different matter.  Eventually though, we got to the park, which was under construction.  Taking a short walk down the river, Cinn showed me again why people love dogs.  She did not protest my lateness, having to wait while I talked to Steve, or not being able to actually enter her park.  She was happy just to be in the presence of her friend and doing something-- anything-- with me.  Setbacks and difficulties did not matter, and she smiled the entire time.  She is truly a gift.  

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