Thursday, February 18, 2010

February 17, 2010

I was sick again today, but feeling a fair bit better. Cinn and I had a brief wrestling match before work and she showed by her hyperactive demeanour that she knew I was well enough to go on a walk after work. We headed off down the street, but ran into Dave and Jean about a hundred feet down the road. We talked for quite a while, during which time Cinnamon was really well behaved for the most part. Jean still could not believe that Cinn was an eleven year old pup. She started to get antsy after about a half hour, and when the neighbors brought out their dog was ready to bark. She whined and barked to let everyone know that she wanted to play, and would not stop despite chastisement. Eventually the dog disappeared, and then she calmed down.

Dave and I kept talking about work, so Trace took Cinn down to the mail box and brought her back up. We talked a little longer, and then Guy came by with his little pup. Cinn was as good as could be expected, letting out little whines, but otherwise containing herself. We then headed home, and little Cinn was as pleased as punch to be able to get back on the road again.

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